Director | Sylvain Desmille |
Author | Sylvain Desmille |
Original Score |
Gérard Cohen-Tannugi |
Editor | Sylvain Desmille |
Length | 52′ |
Format | HD, 16/9e |
Versions | VOSTFR, VOSTEN |
Copyrights | FRANCE 3 – Paris Ile de France / FRANCE 3 – Paris Normandie / FRANCE 3 – Paris Centre Val de Loire – Folamour – 2024 |
Broadcasters | FRANCE 3 – Paris Ile de France / FRANCE 3 – Paris Normandie / FRANCE 3 – Paris Centre Val de Loire |
Through an impressive collection of postcards and the emblematic story of one of its inhabitants, this archival-driven narrative explores the rise and fall of the “grands ensembles.” After the war, these large housing projects were the architectural and social pride of the post-war boom, symbolizing economic growth during the Trente Glorieuses. Yet, in just a few decades, they became stigmatized ghettos, destined for demolition, and came to represent a political failure. However, many of their residents, despite the poor reputation of these housing projects, still feel a deep sense of nostalgia for them.